Submissions for representation are always welcome.

How to Upload a Video to YouTube
(or use Vimeo or IMDb or a casting service)
YouTube has three privacy levels:
Public, Unlisted, Private
Unlisted videos can be viewed by people who have the link but won’t come up in a YouTube search.
Private videos are completely private, with access given through email invite.
Step 1: Make Sure You’re Logged In to your YouTube account / can be the same as your gmail account.
Step 2:Click on the profile icon in the top right corner of your browser. From the list, select “YouTube Studio”.
Step 3: Click Upload Video / the video upload button above the News section (arrow pointing upward)
Choose a video file to upload, either by dragging and dropping it or choosing “select files”.
Step 4: Fill in Details
Step 5: Set to Unlisted
Step 6: Paste the link to the video in your submission to Lloyd Talent.
Later Option: You may choose to change the permission later to Private.